Archive for settembre, 2013

settembre 30th, 2013 - 19:30 § in Scavo e dintorni

Just a few shards… Solo qualche coccio

 As-salamu alaikum! We are sorry not to have posted anything in this three days… but, as you can see, we are quite busy…  [...]

settembre 26th, 2013 - 16:38 § in Scavo e dintorni

Desert Storm…Tempesta di sabbia…

 As-salamu alaykum! Here you find some picture of the morning spent on the site during a desert storm… and of our return to Ur at the end of the work.  [...]

settembre 25th, 2013 - 18:31 § in Scavo e dintorni

What we’ll do in this campaign… Cosa faremo in questa campagna…

 As-salamu alaykum! Our third day of excavation is over… our project for this year is to understand better the nature of the building discovered in the southern area (Area 1) and to restart the diggings in the northern trench (Trench 2), which was left over during the second campaign. &nb[...]

settembre 24th, 2013 - 15:33 § in Scavo e dintorni

Visit of the Dhi-Qar Region Governor. Visita del Governatore della Regione del Dhi-Qar

 As-salamu alaykum! Today we had a wonderful surprise: while we were scraping the surface of our area in the southern part of the Tell (we’ll talk about it in another post), we received the visit of the Dhi-Qar Region new Governor, Dr  Yahya al-Nasiri. We had the possibility to show our [...]

settembre 23rd, 2013 - 10:50 § in Iraq

A day in Nasiriyah. Un giorno a Nasiriyah

 Today we went to Nasiriyah for blood analysis in order to get the residence Visa. Here You can see some picture of the city and of our friends of the Hospital. They are always very kind with us!   [...]

settembre 22nd, 2013 - 20:33 § in Iraq

Driving in Ur… Guidando ad Ur

 After the second day of cleaning, a wonderful afternoon driving in Ur… Dopo il secondo giorno di pulizia, un bellissimo pomeriggio guidando ad  Ur…  [...]

settembre 21st, 2013 - 16:55 § in Scavo e dintorni

Cleaning… Pulizia…

 Our first day of work!  Il nostro primo giorno di lavoro!  [...]

settembre 20th, 2013 - 17:30 § in Scavo e dintorni

Return to Abu Tbeirah! Ritorno ad Abu Tbeirah!

 As-salamu alaykum! Yesterday we returned on the site in order to see the situation of the trenches and to organize the topographic work of Saturday (we searched for the bench marks that are necessary to open the new squares for the excavation of this campaign).  [...]

settembre 19th, 2013 - 16:25 § in Scavo e dintorni

A new film on Abu Tbeirah. Un nuovo film su Abu Tbeirah.

  As-salamu alaykum! Here is a new brief documentary film on the excavations at Abu Tbeirah!  [...]

settembre 18th, 2013 - 15:29 § in Scavo e dintorni

Who left the oven on? Chi ha lasciato il forno acceso?

       As-salamu alaykum! One of the most striking characteristic of our first days in Iraq is certainly the heat…  [...]