Archive for ottobre, 2014

ottobre 24th, 2014 - 12:14 § in Restauro e conservazione

Mausolea of the 3rd Dynasty of Ur – Video

 Here is a short presentation video on the activities that we are carrying on in these days on the Royal Mausolea.  [...]

ottobre 22nd, 2014 - 17:17 § in Restauro e conservazione

Royal Mausolea of the 3rd Dynasty of Ur lighted after 80 years. I Mausolei della III Dinastia di Ur illuminati dopo 80 anni

 Since few days the activities of maintenance and documentation of the most important monuments of the ancient city of Ur (Dhi-Qar, Nasiriyah) started again. The works are financed by the Cooperation for the Development of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, supported and sponsored by the [...]