settembre 12th, 2015 - 13:53 § in Iraq


 LE PALUDI Le paludi mesopotamiche o Paludi irachene sono una zona umida situata nel sud dell’Iraq e in parte nel sud-ovest dell’Iran e nel Kuwait. Si tratta di un paesaggio acquatico raro nel deserto, che fornisce l’habitat ideale per gli arabi delle paludi ma anche  [...]

settembre 7th, 2015 - 13:33 § in Iraq

Maysan-Part 2

 Today we will discuss the other sites in the region of Maysan, to have a general framework. Shrine of prophet Al Uzair The shrine of Al-Uzair, the Arabic for the Prophet Ezra of the Ancient Testament, is located 65 km from Amara. The importance of the shrine beyond the religious aspect is main[...]

settembre 5th, 2015 - 17:00 § in Iraq

Province of Maysan

 Introduction From the point of view of the Cultural Heritage, the Maysan Governorate shows two main kinds of cultural attractions for tourists: places of mainly religious interest, such as shrines and mosques, and historical remains. Obviously, also the sites of religious meaning have very oft[...]

agosto 10th, 2015 - 16:14 § in Iraq


 ZUBAIR Excavations of the ancient Basrah city: Given the heavy urbanization of this area, it is difficult to appreciate today the importance of the site from the historical and archaeological point of view. Recent excavation have brought to light buildings of the Islamic periods belonging to t[...]

agosto 8th, 2015 - 09:16 § in Iraq


 Leisure City The old leisure park of Basrah, which is located along the Shatt el Arab not far from the old port, was the biggest of all Iraq. The park is still open but in its proximity a new modern one has been built. It can represent a touristic attraction for Iraqi people and for [...][...]

agosto 3rd, 2015 - 13:45 § in Iraq


 In addition to the Museum and Cultural Area we mentioned in the previous article, there are many places of attraction of Basra. Ottoman Palace near Sheraton Hotel One of the main attraction of the city is the long street which runs alongside the Shatt el Arab, called Corniche. Along the Cornic[...]